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Adolescent Residential Treatment Program




Located in beautiful Prineville, Oregon, Rimrock Trails Residential Treatment Program is specifically designed for adolescents 12-17 years of age who are struggling with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders. Our program provides 24-hour structured care and the opportunity for teens to achieve distance from negative influences within their social environment. While stabilizing and moving through the stage of early abstinence we help teens build distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and the interpersonal skills necessary to lead a more positive and productive life.


Click here for adolescent residential admissions information. 

Our residential treatment campus provides a safe and supportive therapeutic environment conducive to learning, empowerment, and change. Our program is intentionally co-ed to replicate a real-world environment and provide the opportunity to build interpersonal relationship skills. Our residential program provides a learning center for school credit recovery and enrichment activities such as equine therapy, a low ropes course, and a climbing wall to help individuals reconnect with themselves. 

Family involvement and participation is also a key component of our treatment program. There is direct evidence that parent participation improves treatment outcomes for the child. Similarly, the degree of environmental support that is present following residential treatment is a strong predictor of success and continued improvement. Environmental supports include family, school, community, peer group, and professional helpers. These supports make it more likely that progress achieved in residential services will be maintained. Gains made in residential treatment are unlikely to be maintained if supports are not in place for the individual upon returning home.

Rimrock Trail’s residential program is the first of its kind to fully implement Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) as a method for understanding behavior challenges in a compassionate, accurate and non-adversarial way. We believe people will do well if they can. We also believe that doing well is always preferable to not doing well, but only if one has the skills to do well in the first place. The basic idea behind CPS is a skill not will. Problem behaviors are best understood as the result of lagging thinking skills rather than attention-seeking, manipulative, limit-testing, or a sign of poor motivation. These challenges are best addressed by teaching skills rather than through reward and punishment programs, or the imposition of adult will. CPS is an effective approach for reducing challenging behavior, improving communication, and repairing relationships. CPS is a strengths-based, neurobiologically-grounded, trauma-informed approach that provides a voice for and empowers youth and families.

The length of time required to complete the residential treatment varies according to each youth's individual needs and rate of progress.  The length of stay can vary from two to six months.

Adolescents needing residential treatment are at the greatest risk for relapse behaviors when they return home.  National studies indicate that 60 percent (or more) of adolescents return to substance use within the first 90 days of discharge from residential treatment. The vast majority of these youth will return to substance use within the first 30 days after leaving residential treatment. Mountains of research show that adolescents who engage in a long-term continuum of care in their home community after residential treatment have far better outcomes.  The very best residential treatment experience is only as good as the effort to follow through in outpatient care. 

It is very important to link adolescents and their families to continuing care as early as possible during the first 90 days upon returning to the community. It is equally important that individuals and families are supported in sustaining active engagement in these services throughout the first 90 days following completion of residential treatment. Rimrock Trails is invested in the coordination and support of continued care for youth leaving residential treatment.  We provide counseling, support, and case management (advocacy, barrier reduction, and follow-up) to assure Individuals and families make linkages to needed services.

Parents and professionals, no matter how diligent, cannot be in all places at all times. They also don't hold the same type of influence that positive peers and mentors can have. We encourage and assist individuals and families to pull from their own local resources - professionals, family, friends, neighbors, and others when possible.  Rimrock Trails also provides Certified Recovery Mentor services for local Individuals who need more intensive supports. Recovery Mentors engage with and provide support for individuals and families during both residential and outpatient care.  Peer support is a unique and essential element of recovery and rooted in mental health and substance use systems of care. Recovery Mentors are people with similar life experiences who are able to listen, give hope and guidance toward recovery in a way that is different, and just as valuable, as clinical services.

Wellness Policy

At Rimrock Trails we value student health and wellness. We strive to provide an environment that is conducive to learning and that allows students to succeed. Research shows that healthy kids are better learners and healthy staff are more engaged school and community members. A wellness policy is a great first step towards creating this type of healthy, supportive school environment.

Click here to view our Wellness Policy.

Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment

Summer Food Service Program

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